For Mario
Tina Kim Gallery
New York, NY
2,990 FT² / 278 M²

Charlap Hyman & Herrero curated For Mario, an exhibition of modern and contemporary art and design at Tina Kim Gallery. Works spanning a spectrum of mediums were displayed throughout the galleries, which had been draped with cotton muslin in a classicizing gesture.

For Mario is named for the writer Mario Praz, whose cataloguing and anthropological analysis of every object in his own Roman apartment formed his groundbreaking 1964 spatial autobiography, The House of Life.

The exhibition presented works by Pilar Almon, Park Chan-Kyong, Louise Bourgeois, Anselm Kiefer, Candida Höfer, Gala Porras-Kim, Misha Kahn, Suki Seokyeong Kang, Fritz August Breuhaus de Groot , Milano Chow, Marka Kiley, Carlo Mollino, Oren Pinhassi, Pierre Jeanneret, Katie Stout, Cynthia Talmadge, Davide Balliano, Sam Chermayeff, Ghada Amer, Anna Weyant, Thomas Barger, Kwangho Lee, Mario Ceroli, SO — IL, and the American Modern Opera Company.

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